Wednesday, December 2, 2009

#98: Unforgiven

M: This movie did not disappoint when it comes to Eastwood and Westerns. It was gritty, an homage to such greats as High Plains Drifter. This also had a nice little ensemble of actors, with Gene Hackman as the man you love to hate, with such a love for peace that he doles out a great deal of violence to keep it. Morgan Freeman was ever-likable, even when he was trying to be bad. If you liked the Eastwood spaghetti westerns, this one shouldn't disappoint.

M's rating:

J: SNOOZE. Westerns aren't my thing so I didn't think I'd like this one. I was right. It wasn't a bad movie, but I spent a lot of time looking at the clock. It dragged. And the kid was crazy annoying. My favorite line: "Nobody's gonna pay good money for a cut-up whore". I want that on my tombstone.

Note from the future: This entry is posting in September 2010, even though it's under the date that the draft was written, December 2009. Re-reading this short review 9 months later, I realize that I hardly remember anything about this movie. I think maybe Morgan Freeman was in it, but he's in lots of Eastwood movies, so I could just be assuming. He plays Nelson Mandela in this one, right? Also, I'm pretty sure that in my head I'm getting this movie confused with the parts of The Outlaw Josie Wales that I've seen. That movie is super long and luckily not on The List.

J's rating:
