Tuesday, August 2, 2011

#91 (2007): Sophie's Choice

M: A powerful and tragic movie. The story moves between a present-day and the past as Sophie reflects on her tormenting past. It was very well acted, especially with a powerful, manic personality portrayed by Kevin Kline. Of course, Streep does a phenomenal job, finding and executing every detail of her character. Good movie.

M's rating:

J: Oh, how I was dreading this one!  I kind of new what the titular "choice" was, and it's always tough to bring yourself to watch a movie that you know is going to be sad.  Also, it's like, 2 1/2 hours long, and I've probably mentioned before that I hate long movies.  Well, the choice doesn't come until about 2 hours and 15 minutes in, and the rest of the movie was enjoyable.  Not fun by any means, but it wasn't hard to watch like I expected it to be, though still quite heavy.  Meryl Streep does a killer job (as Meryl Streep always does), Kevin Kline (looking frighteningly like Ted on How I Met Your Mother, I mean seriously, it looked exactly like him) disproves the "Kevin Kline + mustache = funny" rule by being craaaaaazy, and hey, look!  It's young John Cage from Ally McBeal, but with a Southern accent instead of a stutter!  This is one of those "see it once because it's great, but that's enough times to see it in your life" movies.

J's rating:

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